Sunday, June 14, 2009


Someday, when I have teenage children and I worry about being "uncool," I will remember last Friday night. We went to an event called the Brooklyn Invitational, in an unmarked space/warehouse in Dumbo, pretty close to under the bridge. The type that if you didn't know it was there, you might miss the door. Inside was a temporary gallery space, including an artist finger painting a piece. And on one of the ends, they set up a makeshift stage space, where we saw the excellent Kittens Ablaze (pictured above) and Motel Motel (which got a dance party going), among other less memorable bands. They also served 2$ PBRs and we hung out with a nice motley crowd. I think my brother had a good time, specially chatting with the Kittens Ablaze, who had been at South by Southwest this year. It felt very different, and like we were watching a couple of good bands before they made it big. Good times.

The above picture of us was taken by Seth Betchtold of


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