Lonely Island
One of the things about being in the Big Apple is that lots of musicians/celebrities/performers also choose to reside here. As a result, it seems like there should be more chances to go to their events/CD releases/fashion store openings/uh... I dont know.
Today, Nate and I went to the Lonely Island CD release party at the Virgin Megastore on Union Square. The had a Q&A and signed CD's and stuff. I really like the Virgin Megastore - I don't care if it might be the Target of CD buying - they have tons and tons of CD's and DVD's and in my mind they are British so it's all forgiven. And..... they have events such as these.
I got in line super early, since Nate has a bonafide full-time job can't just leave early at a whim. It was okay, cold as flurge, but I chatted with the people around me. I was probably 10 years older than the median age at this thing, but whatever, everyone is nice. Nate joined me when he got off work.
Turns out our spot in line was awesome. We were by a large window, which faced the back of the Virgin Cafe. It was also the area where The Dudes were taken for a pre-show interview with Access Hollywood. So somehow we ended up at the front of some crazy mob scene all trying to look int the window. Some guy had an old school boombox (of the "Say Anything" style) and started blasting the Lonely Island song. I remember hearing Lazy Sunday and The Natalie Portman Rap, and everyone goes crazy and starts singing along. The Dudes are doing the interview and keep looking our way, really amused by the commotion. The Access Hollywood people even pick up on the craziness and filmed the crowd. And somehow, through it all, Nate and I were at the very front, right against the window. I'll have to see Access Hollywood tomorrow to see if we made it on screen at any point.
The Q&A was good. Standing room only and as crowded as you would expect. It was hosted by Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd!!!!! I loved him in Clueless, and I don't care if that reference ages me. Whatever.
Akiva, Jorma and Andy were funny, answered some questions and overall got the crowd to make a lot of noise. They just looked so.... normal, low key, dorky. It was very endearing.

college. I told Andy that he looked just like in Television, and he made some joke back. And I asked Jorma where he got his haircut. Mostly because for the longest time I've been trying to cut Nate's hair to look like his. Jorma has a good style, and his hair type is pretty much like Nate's. Jorma laughs and says his wife cuts it for him, and I tell him that I cut Nate's hair to look like that. And J looks at Nate and says that it looks exactly the same. So.... sucess? We have the right hair style apparently.
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