Sunday, September 20, 2009

Magnolia Bakery

I'm trying to catch up documenting for my own sake the things I did this summer. It feels a bit like an elementary school essay. But I will not let that ridiculous feeling keep me down.

The thing is, I had a great touristy summer, because whenever friends and family visit, we get to sightsee in a way we usually forget to do. It's hard to remember to see the unique NYC sights when we have laundry, errands, groceries and jobs to do. I dont want to settle in to just living here, or get so caught up in errands that I forget to stop and smell the roses.

Like the time we went to Magnolia Bakery, famous because of its Sex and the City episode shout-out. I'm sure it's famous on its own right, but I know if from SATC. We squeezed it in the middle of an errand filled day, having to buy a shirt for Nate, do some shopping for the upcoming wedding.

We both ordered red velvet cupcakes, which are rapidly becoming my favorites.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Computer Drama

So it happened; my computer caught a virus a few weeks ago and I half-lost everything. I say "half" because a lot of my stuff was backed up on an external drive, but it hadn't been updated for a few months. I got those but most of my new stuff got messed up. Long story short, after a couple of file recovery programs and having to wipe my computer clean, I am starting over from scratch.

All fine and well, my files are a mess and they got unfortunately shuffled around. My pictures and music, specifically, were the most affected by the big virus and consequentially are randomly corrupted. This means that when I find a corrupt file, I have to go search for a clean copy in the recovered folders. This entire process is exhausting and emotionally frustrating. I mean, I know all my pictures are "there", I'm just having a hard time getting to them.

All this is a thinly veiled excuse as to why I have neglected this blog. That and the fact that summer was fabulous, I had a lot of friends visit, I started a full time job, and it seems that life got in the way of my documenting it. Now that the weather is turning to fall, I envision myself having some time to catch up on musing of what summer is like in NYC.

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