I remember one Saturday afternoon last summer, when Nate and I were being lazy in Prospect Park, I had this feeling of social isolation. We were still new in town, and our social life was still lacking. I was looking wistfully at crowds of people our age having big picnics, and wondering how long it would be until I knew enough people to have a picnic of our own.
What a difference a year makes. This Memorial Day, Beth invited us to join her at a picnic in Prospect Park. Of course, since she lives on the other end of the park, we took the subway to meet up with her. We could have walked, but the subway was much faster. The Park is huge, after all.

It was a good turnout, about twelve people total. I had met about half the people in previous social occasions, so we felt right at home.

I find it curious when you get a group of young professionals in their mid to late 20's having a picnic; we are all just practical these days. We had vegan pasta salad, hummus, italian sausage, homemade brownies, cucumber dip, cheese and crackers, wine and beer. Also, besides the food, everyone brought blankets, plates, napkins, trash bags, and games. If this had been 7 years ago, we would have ended up with a couple of cheap six packs, and maybe some chips and salsa, but we would have definitely been laying on the grass with no cups.

Jesse brought a watermelon, which looked hilarious when he was carrying it in his messenger bag. He hacked slices with a machete, in which looked like the best way to release pent up stress.

We played Cranium, the Express Edition. I'd only played the old Cranium before, and this version was as fun as the old one, with some added fun activities such as team spelling, marionette charades, and a faster pace. It's about time we met fellow dorks who carry board games with them.

Here is Beth, our fearless organizer, without whom the afternoon would have been impossible Everyone wants these fun events to happen, it just takes a strong willed person to be decisive and pick the time and place. It's a field of dreams situation - "if you plan it, they will come". I often wish I could plan more social activities, but I end up stressing too much over silly logistics. I'll overcome it someday, probably when I have to plan my kids' birthday parties, and they depend on me.

We also took a walk for a bit to the nearby pond. Next time, we should rent paddle boats; it looked like a nice activity. And I chatted with a kid as he fed ducks, but just for a bit, he was very methodical in his bread throwing technique, and I didn't want to throw off his concentration.